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Villa Pereire and 1% for the Planet

sunrise at Arcachon Bay in Bordeaux, France, as featured in Villa Pereire’s wine blog on wine and 1% for the Planet

1% for the Planet was established in 2002 by Yvon Chouinard (Patagonia’s founder) and Craig Mathews (Blue Ribbon Flies owner). It originated from the belief that businesses should be proactive and responsible for positive environmental impact, creating a greener, cleaner, and more sustainable world.

Businesses and individuals commit at least 1% of their annual sales or income to environmental nonprofits. This fosters a global movement where companies understand their responsibility to the planet, and make real change happen for the betterment of future generations.

By aggregating contributions from its members, 1% for the Planet strives to make a substantial – and sustainable – positive impact on global environmental challenges, from ocean pollution to the way wine is produced.

At Villa Pereire we believe that sustainable winemaking includes intentional commitment to the future of our beloved planet.

Our partnership with 1% for the Planet contributes to clean oceans and waterways, especially as the natural, brilliant beauty of Pereire Beach in Bordeaux’s Arcachon Bay is our central inspiration. Through the organization’s certified framework for environmental change, we are able to help preserve treasures like this for generations to come:

Member Certification

a beach cleanup in Indonesia, as featured in Villa Pereire’s wine blog on wine and 1% for the Planet

Companies and individuals can become members of 1% for the Planet by pledging to donate 1% of their revenue. The organization certifies all members, and ensures that their contributions go to reputable, vetted environmental nonprofits.

Contributions support a wide range of environmental causes, including conservation and restoration, climate change, wildlife protection, and sustainable development.

Global Network and Business Development

a beach in Santa Monica, as featured in Villa Pereire’s wine blog on wine and 1% for the Planet

Through continuing commitment from the world’s most environmentally-conscious firms, 1% for the Planet has built a network of businesses, nonprofits, and individuals dedicated to addressing environmental issues.

The organization’s overall aim is to create a collaborative community focused on positive environmental impact – we can only solve the world’s issues together, as one.

This collaboration also promotes responsible corporate citizenship and sustainable business practices by mutual accountability. As for itself, it certifies that donations are directed towards effective and impactful environmental projects.

At the end of the day, this far-seeing initiative encourages systemic changes – not just in the short term – to promote sustainability and conservation. Companies that commit to 1% for the Planet, like Villa Pereire, join a powerful community with collective actions that actually add up.

Education Initiatives

a child touching a grape bunch in a vineyard, as featured in Villa Pereire’s wine blog on wine and 1% for the Planet

Besides corporate initiatives and funding for effective environmental nonprofits, 1% for the Planet also engages in educational efforts to raise awareness about the importance of environmental stewardship.

We can raise funds and direct them to great efforts, but they are only effective now – and in the future – if the knowledge of how important these causes are is passed on.

1% for the Planet is an outspoken voice that informs both its corporate contributors and the larger, global community (you and me, as well as potential contributors) about its initiatives to positively impact global rights to nature, conservation & restoration, resilient communities, and just economies.

The Current State of Wine Sustainability

a worker picking a grape bunch in a vineyard, as featured in Villa Pereire’s wine blog on wine and 1% for the Planet

The wine industry overall is experiencing positive trends towards clean, organic, and sustainable winemaking, including the use of alternative energy sources and responsible farming practices.

This only benefits the quality of wine and the conservation of vineyard land, protecting both the future of great wines as well as the communities that devotedly produce them.

However, there is a long way to go overall in the industry itself, from improving vineyard farming practices to providing just and equitable wages for workers and other industry professionals.

Villa Pereire prioritizes sourcing from family-owned vineyards and vintners who focus on quality farming and winemaking practices, ensuring both excellent wine and excellence in all winegrowing and winemaking practices.

Villa Pereire and 1% for the Planet

Arcachon Bay in Bordeaux, France, as featured in Villa Pereire’s wine blog on wine and 1% for the Planet

It’s also important for businesses to contribute to the bigger picture when and how they can, which is why Villa Pereire has pledged part of its revenue to ongoing efforts for ocean and beach conservation.

Enamored by the brilliant beauty of Bordeaux’s Arcachon Bay, Villa Pereire seeks to preserve our planet’s resources and its natural beauty for generations to come, in every step of the winemaking and operating process.

Next time you select a premium French wine, remember Villa Pereire’s selections – excellent wine inextricably linked to a great cause.

How can small brands make a difference?

No amount is too small when it comes to environmental conservation – and 1% for the Planet has members that range from individuals to large corporations.

When working together, our collective resources and efforts can create a positive impact, which is ensured by 1% for the Planet’s close vetting of all its contributors as well as each nonprofit that receives funding, making sure nothing is misused, and all is allocated to groups that actually achieve real change.

Villa Pereire: Sustainable Winemaking and Brilliant Wines go Hand-in-Hand

a sunlit vineyard, as featured in Villa Pereire’s wine blog on wine and 1% for the Planet

Excellent wine doesn’t have to be just wine for its own sake. Villa Pereire is unique, since:

  • We focus on small-production, family-owned vintners that craft only the most terroir-expressive, premier wines
  • Our efforts for quality wine sustainably support the environment as well, preserving both great wine and the beautiful Earth

With Villa Pereire, you can enjoy the best wines from Bordeaux and the Rhone Valley while resting assured that you’re also helping the environment , protecting the earth’s resources for brilliant wine and brilliant living for years to come.